valentine’s day mini pies

February 15, 2014 § Leave a comment

I am currently sitting alone on my bed wrapped up in a blanket, writing about food. What a way to end Valentine’s Day (no sarcasm, really).

Today I got to hang out with some of my faaavorite galentines, including birthday girl Rena! She’s one of my favorite people in the whole world. On top of being a tennis superstar, Rena can solve 1000-piece puzzles like it’s her destiny and rock a LBD like no other. You go girl.

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I woke up this morning and made these cute little heart-shaped pies for my family + Rena. And then after that, I proceeded to make some hazelnut shortbread cookies (look out for that tomorrow). Basically, my food pyramid this week has had only one compartment and that compartment is sugar + fat. Again, diets aren’t my thing.

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flaky layers!!

But I am so happy with these pies!! I mentioned before that I have yet to bake a satisfactory pie crust, but today was my day. I even got those nice flaky layers, which has never, ever happened before. Of course, these were just mini pies, but I imagine this recipe/technique (courtesy of Joy the Baker) would work just as well with a regular sized pie.

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Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

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bed head oops

I only had about a cup of frozen raspberries, so I mixed it with frozen blueberries and blackberries too. Go wild and experiment with different fillings!

Eat them while warm, or wait for them to cool if you prefer crispier edges. These taste even better topped with ice cream.

Happy Valentine’s Day!


{Click here for the recipe}

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